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Looking For A Hair Fall Solution? Knowing how!

Make an appointment with the best dermatologist in Indore beforehand, though! Why? due to the fact that each hair fall's cause and therapy are unique. Before getting into those specifics, let's first discuss a few fundamental lifestyle changes that are beneficial for all types of hair loss.

Diet: If we pay attention to what, when, and how much we eat, we will have won half the war. Make sure to incorporate vitamins and minerals in each and every one of your meals. For instance, a vitamin D shortage reduces the body's ability to repair, so check to see whether it is within the usual range. In addition, selenium, zinc, and iron are similarly crucial.

Consequently, include the following to your diet each day.

- Protein-rich foods including eggs, tofu, and paneer.

- Spinach and other green leafy vegetables for iron and vitamins A and B.

- Citrus fruits, such as oranges and Indian gooseberries.

- Nuts for thick, long, and glossy hair.

- Antioxidants - Pecans, blueberries, green tea, etc.

Exercise for both excellent health and healthy hair! Exercise causes us to sweat, and this sweat uses the pores on our skin and hair follicles to wash away toxins and other waste. Additionally, it boosts blood flow to all of the body's organs, including the epidermis and scalp, which carries more nutrients and oxygen, feeding the hair root and fostering hair growth.

Well, sleep isn't directly connected to hair health, but it is indirectly. The quantity of several hormones in our body can be impacted by sleep loss (irregular, interrupted sleep). For instance, while we go through our regular sleep cycles, Human Growth Hormone (HGH) is created. Loss of hair and hair thinning are two health problems that can be exacerbated by low levels of HGH.

Once you have changed your lifestyle, the following is what you should do next:

analysis of the kind of hair loss by experts.

Telogen effluvium

When the body has experienced any form of mental or physical stress, one may suffer this type of hair loss (fevers like malaria, typhoid, dengue etc., depression & anxiety disorders, post pregnancy)


The well-known Male and Female pattern hair loss, which is typically inherited, also falls under this group.

How can I handle this?

Your dermatologist will suggest a mix of therapies depending on the type of hair loss you are experiencing.

supplementing hair



Platelet-Rich Plasma

PRP Hair Treatment in Indore is now the most popular technique, and it is deserving of all the attention. Within a few sessions, fresh hair growth is stimulated. It is said to be quite safe since it is made from the patient's own blood; a tiny amount of plasma, which is rich in growth factors, is taken from the blood sample and injected right into the patient's scalp.

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